Where should I place my Arlo camera?

Did you know? Every 20 seconds, a burglary occurs in the United States.These burglaries cost Americans approximately $3.4 billion in property losses every year.

Keep your home safe. Arlo’s security cameras are an excellent way to keep burglars at bay. According to a recent study conducted by the University of North Carolina, about 60% of convicted burglars stated that the presence of a security system influences their decision to target another home.

Camera placement is key to capturing important events that occur on your property. “Security cameras are a huge help when it comes to keeping your home safe and warding off criminals,” says Kim S., a Connecticut law enforcement officer.

Here are the top 5 locations to install your Arlo home security cameras:

  1. At the front door.

    Your front door is the main point of entry to your home. Placing a camera near your front door is great for monitoring package deliveries, visitors, and guests.

    Unfortunately, most crimes, including package theft, burglaries, and vandalism occur at or near the front door. By placing a camera near your front door, you’ll have full visibility in terms of who visits your home, night or day.

    Mount your cameras at least 7 feet above the floor, and aim it slightly downward for the best performance. For more information about where to position your Arlo camera, including distance and positioning guidelines, visit How do I position my Arlo wire-free camera?.

  2. Near the driveway.

    There were an estimated 773,139 thefts of motor vehicles nationwide in 2017. That’s 237.4 thefts per 100,000 inhabitants! Avoid becoming a statistic – place an Arlo security camera pointed towards the driveway to monitor your vehicles, night and day.

    Consider adding an Arlo Security Light to illuminate when your camera detects motion, to stop intruders in their tracks. According to Officer Kim S., “Adding a spotlight to light up high traffic areas such as your driveway or main points of entry is a great way to protect your home and deter criminals.”

  3. In the backyard.

    Get peace of mind by securing your perimeter. “Most homeowners focus on the front entry of the home. However, monitoring other points of entry, such as the back door, is just as important,” notes Officer Kim S.

    Placing a camera in the backyard will give you full control to monitor the perimeter of your home. Your backyard camera will alert you if someone is trespassing on your property, trying to jump the fence, or looking for another way to break and enter.

  4. In the side yard or near an outdoor power fuse box.

    “A lot of burglars will cut the power before breaking and entering,” notes Officer Kim S.

    If you have an outdoor power fuse box, it’s a great idea to place a camera pointed towards it. This way, you’ll be alerted if someone attempts to cut your power. If motion is detected at this camera location, then something could be wrong. For more information about how to optimize motion detection for your Arlo cameras, visit How do I optimize motion detection for my Arlo camera?.

  5. Aimed AT your home.

    This is an often overlooked yet critical location to place your camera.

    Criminals, whether stealing packages or burglarizing your home, will often attempt to cover their faces or wear hats to disguise themselves when walking up to your front door.

    Our advice? Find a tree or fence location to hide a camera. By placing a camera pointed towards your home, you are more likely to capture a clear image of trespassers. If a crime occurs, the imagery can be reviewed for usable evidence.

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