Desktop Notifications for my Arlo system are not working, how do I troubleshoot this issue?
Last updated: 08.01.2025
Desktop Notifications are notifications for your Arlo devices that display on PC and Mac desktops or laptops. When enabled, Desktop Notifications will appear any time your camera is configured to send a Push Notification to your mobile device.
If you are not receiving Desktop Notifications on your PC or Mac:
Confirm you are receiving push notifications on your mobile device.
If you are not receiving notifications on your mobile device, check the Routines and Automations setup for your location. For more information, visit:
- Why am I not receiving Arlo notifications on my iOS device?
- Why am I not receiving Arlo notifications on my Android device?
Confirm your browser is set up as a Trusted Browser to receive Desktop Notifications.
To confirm your browser is a Trusted Browser:
- Log in to your account on
- If you receive a prompt to Verify your identity, this indicates your browser was not a Trusted Browser. Complete the two-factor verification. When prompted with Trust this browser? click Trust.
- If you do not receive a prompt, and are logged directly into your account, please continue to the next step.
- For more information, visit: What is a trusted browser?
Confirm Desktop Notifications have been enabled on
To enable Desktop Notifications:
- Log in to your Arlo account at on the PC or Mac where you want to receive notifications.
- Click Settings.
- Click Notifications.
- The list of desktops with notifications enabled will be listed. If the browser you are using has Desktop Notifications enabled, it will be listed as Current Browser. Other browsers will be listed with the browser and OS version information.
- If notifications are not enabled, click Subscribe to Desktop Notifications to enable them on the browser. When prompted by your browser, Allow notifications from
Check your browser settings to confirm notifications are enabled for
Notifications for need to be enabled within the settings for your browser. Most browsers do not allow notifications by default. When prompted, Allow notifications from
To check your browser settings, visit one of the following articles:
Check your PC or Mac operating system (OS) settings to confirm notifications are enabled for
To check your OS settings, visit one of the following articles: