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Arlo Reseller Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy


Arlo’s Minimum Advertised Price (“MAP”) Policy is designed to support Arlo Authorized Resellers to maintain the long term strength of Arlo brand equity by assisting partners to engage in advertising that best conveys to customers the value of Arlo’s products. The MAP Policy is also designed to encourage Arlo Authorized Resellers to engage in consumer education and providing other consumer support services to the benefit of Arlo customers.

To achieve these goals, this MAP Policy prohibits resellers from advertising Arlo products below a specific price designated by Arlo. Advertised pricing of Covered Products must comply with this MAP Policy in order for an Arlo Authorized Reseller to be eligible for marketing funds. Arlo will not allow Arlo marketing funds to be used for advertisements that do not comply with this MAP Policy.

The Arlo MAP Policy, described in detail below, will allow Arlo Authorized Resellers to profitably market and effectively promote the value of Arlo products. This MAP Policy is unilateral, non-negotiable, and will not be altered for any Authorized Reseller. Each Authorized Reseller is free to independently decide whether to follow the MAP Policy or not and to set and negotiate with its customers the actual resale price for any Covered Product.

Minimum Advertised Price (MAP):

The MAPs for Arlo products are the Arlo Suggested Retail Prices for those products and will be listed on the Arlo MAP Product Price List published


Arlo’s MAP Policy applies to advertisements of all resellers and distributors who resell and distribute Covered Products and are eligible for Arlo marketing funds (collectively, “MAP Resellers”). Each MAP Reseller is solely responsible for compliance with this MAP Policy.

Covered Products:

Any product listed on the Arlo MAP Product Price List is subject to the terms of this MAP Policy (“Covered Products”). Used equipment, defined below, is not a Covered Product.

Conventions and Requirements:

Bundle Conventions:

All bundles must be advertised at the cumulative MAP price of the Covered Products. If a Covered Product is bundled with a non-Arlo product, the advertised bundle price must be at or above the MAP price of the Covered Product. The advertisement cannot state or imply that the Arlo Covered Product is free or discounted in any way.

Arlo Model Number Labeling Convention:

All ads for Arlo Covered Products must clearly state the Arlo model number for all Arlo Covered Products. In the case of a bundle, all products (Arlo, non-Arlo) must include a model number for all other products, if the price of the product is included in the bundle price. A MAP Reseller is exempt from this requirement if:

  1. The MAP Reseller has a formal policy that prohibits showing the manufacturer model number and the policy is applied uniformly to all products.
  2. The MAP Reseller regularly provides the Arlo MAP Policy Director with a cross reference table of the Arlo reseller part numbers (send to

Applicable Advertising:

This MAP Policy will apply to all Advertisements (as defined below) of Covered Product(s) by a MAP Reseller, including, without limitation, in-store, out of home, print, and online. Displaying a price for a Covered Product below the Arlo Suggested Retail Prices in any Advertisement is a violation of this MAP Policy.

  1. Print advertising such as newspapers, brochures, magazines, and multi-page inserts.
  2. Broadcast advertising such as radio, TV, and podcasts.
  3. Direct advertising such as catalogs, flyers, newsletters, and direct mail pieces. This applies to any
  4. piece whether mailed, hand delivered, or shipped in-box with product.
  5. Electronic mail (e-mail) advertising. Any web pages that link from the e-mail are considered part of the e-mail advertisement.
  6. Internet advertising such as banner, pop-up, and pop-under ads.
  7. Any website accessible to the public including traditional retailers, club memberships sites, e- tailers, vendors, portals, shopping sites, auction sites, etc. Any “level” of a web site above the “shopping cart” is considered an advertisement.


At no time during this MAP Policy may the MAP Reseller make any statements or other indications on its website in connection with any Covered Products(s) that indicates or implies that a lower price may be found at the online checkout stage, other than the following:

  • Using shopping-cart technology where the discounted pricing is neither able to be picked up as a search-engine result nor shown to the general public without adding the product to the shopping cart. Language such as “see price in cart” or “add to cart for lower price” is permissible.
  • Advertising that instructs a customer to “call for price” or “email for price” or other similar language, so long as no price is listed.
  • Creating a password-protected section on the MAP Reseller website where the discounted pricing is neither able to be picked up as a search-engine result nor shown to the general public.

No Resale on Amazon. Unless otherwise agreed with Arlo in writing, MAP Reseller may not advertise or sell the Covered Products on the Amazon marketplace or resell Covered Products to distributors for further distribution in any manner on the Amazon marketplace.

Handling and Storage. MAP Reseller agrees to handle and store the Covered Products in a safe manner and in compliance with Arlo’s storage and handling guidelines.

Covered Product Packaging. MAP Reseller will sell Covered Products in their original packaging. Relabeling, repackaging (including the separation of bundled Covered Products or the bundling of Covered Products), and other alterations to Covered Products or their packaging are not permitted. MAP Reseller may not remove, translate, or modify the contents of any label or literature on or accompanying the Covered Products. MAP Reseller may not alter or remove any trademarks, proprietary notices or warning labels included in, on, or in connection with, the Covered Products.

Report Unauthorized Resellers. If MAP Reseller has information that any person is purchasing and reselling or distributing Covered Products in a manner not authorized by Arlo, MAP Reseller will promptly notify Arlo.

Support of Arlo’s Warranty. MAP Reseller will extend to any purchaser of the Covered Products Arlo’s warranty in accordance with its terms. MAP Reseller will not modify or alter Arlo’s warranty or represent or characterize Arlo’s warranty in any misleading manner.

MAP Pricing Exceptions

MAP Resellers may advertise prices below MAP, and still comply with this MAP Policy in the following circumstances:

  • Arlo-authorized promotions (this exception is limited to special promotions as announced or authorized by Arlo). In-store advertising (to the extent not visible from outside the store).
  • Any reduced price that a MAP Reseller wishes to place within a purchaser’s online shopping cart as a final stage of an online purchase(s), so long as the end user enters the final state on his/her own without any reference on the website that lower price will be found at the final purchasing stage.
  • Holiday promotions by Arlo to authorized resellers.
  • Free shipping advertising.

Permitted Deviations:

To comply with this MAP Policy, the price of a Covered Product may deviate by up to 99 cents ($0.99) from the MAP product or bundle price. The deviation is not cumulative “per product” on offers of two or more Arlo MAP products.

Used Equipment:

Used equipment can be advertised at any reasonable price below the designated MAP so long as the MAP Reseller clearly and prominently discloses that the product is “used equipment.” Arlo defines used equipment as product obtained by the MAP Reseller through customer return or exchange.

Monitoring and Enforcement

Arlo may engage in monitoring of advertised prices of Covered Products, either directly or via the use of third parties, but Arlo will unilaterally be responsible for enforcing this MAP policy.

Non-Compliance With MAP Policy:

If Arlo determines that an advertisement for a Covered Product does not comply with this MAP Policy because any Covered Product is advertised below the Arlo Suggested Retail Price, then the MAP Reseller will be subject to suspension of marketing funds, account suspension or account termination. Arlo will not differentiate between intentional, negligent, and accidental violations when enforcing this MAP Policy. A violation will occur with any advertisement(s) that does not comply with this MAP Policy. Arlo reserves the right to take any other action it deems appropriate to enforce this MAP Policy.

Changes to Policy

Arlo’s Map Policy Director is the only person authorized by Arlo to communicate MAP Policy updates, changes, or decisions. No other Arlo representative or agent is authorized to confirm compliance with, discuss, or amend this MAP Policy. Arlo will not communicate with any reseller regarding another reseller’s advertising practices.

Arlo may change prices, change policy, cancel policy, and include or delete products that are Covered Products at any time.

Questions regarding Arlo’s MAP policy should be in writing and submitted to:

Arlo Technologies, Inc.
MAP Policy
480 North McCarthy Blvd. Suite 200
Milpitas CA 95035

Arlo will endeavor to provide a response to questions raised within five (5) business days.


This MAP Policy does not constitute an agreement between Arlo and any MAP Reseller. Compliance with this MAP Policy does not evidence any kind of agreement between a MAP Reseller and Arlo.

Resellers are free to independently determine the price at which any Covered Product is sold.

The MAP Policy is confidential and Arlo requests that no MAP Reseller disclose the terms and conditions of this MAP Policy.